Sunday, March 11, 2012

Why are Child Brides a Global Concern?

The Silence of Child Brides Must End....

"Today, the devastating impact of child marriage continues to be ignored in the developing world. Millions of child brides, some only just past puberty, are denied access to health, education and economic opportunities. The majority of them are burdened with the roles and responsibilities of wives and mothers without adequate support, resources and capabilities" (Lyn Thomas, International Planned Parenthood Federation).
This is a very important issue that is not talked about and is being ignored. These are children we are talking about and not grown women who know right from wrong. Imagine a mother giving up her baby or toddler to an older man. Would you? How would you feel if you never saw your baby again? They are being robbed of their human rights, childhood, freedom and future. According to Planned Parenthood International Federation, "Child marriage remains a widely ignored violation of the health and development of girls and young woman." Someone needs to put an end to "CHILD BRIDES" and give these girls a future and education. Look at the pictures above, theses are not brides these are girls.
The highest rate of child marriages like Niger,Chad, Bangladesh (Pakistan), Mali, Guinea, Central Africa Republic, Nepal, Mozambique, Uganda, Burkina Faso and India.  These customs and religious laws are totally normal. But, to me and other people in the world this is sexual abuse and exploitation. Every child should have a choice and not be forced into marriage when they are still playing with dolls and dreaming about princesses and fairy tales."This is because of the "official tolerance of cultural, societal and customary norms that shape and govern the institution of marriage and family life"(Planned Parenthood).
The Silence of Child Brides must End. Child brides are at increasing health risks for HIV infection and other multiple health risks. Child marriage is defined as, "Any marriage carried out below the age of 18 years old, before the girl is physically, physiologically, and psychologically ready to shoulder the responsibilities of marriage and child bearing"(Planned Parenthood International Federation). I Believe the one's held responsible for child marriages would be the "parents" because they marry their children "to build or strengthen alliances between families". The ones that suffer horrible consequences and even death if they try to run away are the children. If they are caught trying to leave it is considered dishonour. Please keep in mind child brides also include "BABIES". Yes, I said babies.
But, in the United States......Their is a major difference especially in the past 100 years. In the USA you must be 18 years or older to for marriage and the Human Right states marriage should be "Entered only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses"(Planned Parenthood).
The silence of child and baby brides needs to come to an end and these children need a voice because they can not stand up for themselves. We need to help them today not tomorrow because it may be too late. Please keep in mind every 3 seconds a child gets married...and not by their choice.

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