Friday, March 9, 2012

When I think about marriage

"This 19 year old Afghan girl had her nose and ears cut off as punishment for fleeing an abusive forced marriage"( uncle jimbo,june 29, 2010).

When I Think about marriage...... A global Horror.

When I think if marriage I think of love, a white wedding dress, family, happiness, a future and I get butterflies in my stomach. But not every girl imagines the same things I do when they are forced and arranged to marry someone they know noting about, old and pedaphils. Around the world women and girls as young as 6 years old are being robbed of their choice of marriege and family. Parents are basically selling their daughters because they are a burden or they need the money. When I first researched this topic I was sure this was only an issue that happened like a 100 years ago. Forced, arranged and forbidden marriages is an issue that NO ONE talks about and 100 years later it is still happening.
Every human should have access to their own right (UN Human Right Article 16, Right and choice to marriage and family).
According to the website "10 million girls under the age of 18 marry each year...that is around 833,333 a month...192,307 a week...27,397 a day...19 every minute or, around 1 girl every 3 second".
These numbers are sad and astonishing. These woman have no voice and no choice. They have been robed.
Do you have a clue of how a child and a womans future will be like.No anbitions, no self estem, depressed, rapped, molested and even killed if they try to escape. Millions of women are not able to go to school and get an education. Early and forced marriages affect their education and future.

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