Friday, March 16, 2012

Violations of Human Right "Marry and Family"

Violations of Human Rights:

"Child marriage is a violation of a girl’s sexual and reproductive rights, which include the rights to":
  • The highest attainable standard of sexual health
  • Be free from coercion, discrimination, violence and abuse
  • Consensual sexual relations
  • Pursue a satisfying, safe and pleasurable sexual life
  • A choice of partner and consensual marriage
  • Seek, receive, and impact information and education related to sexual health, including information on how to protect against unwanted pregnancy, STIs, and HIV/AIDS
  • Decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing, and timing of her children, and to have the information and the means to do so
  • Access sexual and reproductive health services (Married girls seeking sexual and reproductive health services are often turned away from health facilities because they require a husband's consent before care is provided).
Information is from International Women's Health Program:

Hamas Sponsors Mass Child Bride Wedding of “Palestinian” Children?     

“Married adolescents have been largely ignored in development and health agendas because of the perception that their married status ensures them a safe passage to adulthood. Nothing could be further from the truth.”
- Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, UNFPA Executive Director

So What has Changed in the Past 100 years?
The average age of marriage has changed over time for the USA and some countries.

According to wisegeek "The average age at marriage has risen in most industrial countries. Even countries with less development, or who have come lately to industrialization show a rise in the average age at marriage for women". In the United States the earliest age of marriage in the 19th Century "was at  the age of 17 or 18 years old." In today's social world in the United States the legal age is 18 or older. That is unheard of in other countries like Niger or India. Little girls are not dreaming of fairy tales and princesses instead they are dreaming of a DIVORCE.....and they are never granted one. They have NO voice and no Human Rights....the right to marriage and family.

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