Saturday, March 24, 2012

UN Human Rights Article #16 Right to Marriage and Family

  • (1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
  • (2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.
  • (3) The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.
  • How I feel about Forced Marriages..

    My feelings on Child Brides and early marriages.........
    Before conducting this Blog on early and forced marrieges, I thought I knew what was going on. But, I had no clue.
    I am heart broken
    hurt this STILL happening
    they have no RIGHTS
    NO freedom
    NO education
    NO future
    NO hopes...dreams or wishes
    Their furture is chosen for them
    No VOICE
    Depressed children
    low self-esteem
    Not allowed to attend school or have friends..
    Instead of walking to school they are walking up the isle.....


    Monday, March 19, 2012

    Friday, March 16, 2012

    Violations of Human Right "Marry and Family"

    Violations of Human Rights:

    "Child marriage is a violation of a girl’s sexual and reproductive rights, which include the rights to":
    • The highest attainable standard of sexual health
    • Be free from coercion, discrimination, violence and abuse
    • Consensual sexual relations
    • Pursue a satisfying, safe and pleasurable sexual life
    • A choice of partner and consensual marriage
    • Seek, receive, and impact information and education related to sexual health, including information on how to protect against unwanted pregnancy, STIs, and HIV/AIDS
    • Decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing, and timing of her children, and to have the information and the means to do so
    • Access sexual and reproductive health services (Married girls seeking sexual and reproductive health services are often turned away from health facilities because they require a husband's consent before care is provided).
    Information is from International Women's Health Program:

    Hamas Sponsors Mass Child Bride Wedding of “Palestinian” Children?     

    “Married adolescents have been largely ignored in development and health agendas because of the perception that their married status ensures them a safe passage to adulthood. Nothing could be further from the truth.”
    - Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, UNFPA Executive Director

    So What has Changed in the Past 100 years?
    The average age of marriage has changed over time for the USA and some countries.

    According to wisegeek "The average age at marriage has risen in most industrial countries. Even countries with less development, or who have come lately to industrialization show a rise in the average age at marriage for women". In the United States the earliest age of marriage in the 19th Century "was at  the age of 17 or 18 years old." In today's social world in the United States the legal age is 18 or older. That is unheard of in other countries like Niger or India. Little girls are not dreaming of fairy tales and princesses instead they are dreaming of a DIVORCE.....and they are never granted one. They have NO voice and no Human Rights....the right to marriage and family.


    10 Countries now Allow Same-Sex Marriage

    (Demonstrators in Buenos Aires wave a gay-pride flag outside Argentina's congress
    building in support of a proposal to legalize same-sex marriage.)

    100 Years Ago Gay Marriages Was Unheard of.....Society is Changing

    In the past 100 years there has been some changes when it comes to marriage but it has not changed drastically the way some would have expected.
    In the past 10 years there are 10 Countries that now allow same sex marriage which they never allowed before. According to the CNS News "The first same-sex marriages took place in the Netherlands on April 1, 2001"(Associated Press, 2011).

    The Countries that followed were:
    2. Spain
    3. Canada
    4. South Africa
    5. Norway
    6. Sweden
    7. Portugal
    8. Iceland
    9. Argentina

    Monday, March 12, 2012

    9 is Too Young to be Married...

    2 Young Girls Leave their Husbands in Yemen

    Arranged and forced marriages are affecting very young girls in poor countries around the world. "Child marriage remains a widely accepted practice, especially in very poor and rural areas"(Banbury, UNICEF). Two young girls 9 and 10 were married and they left their husbands who were older men. This was a situation of marriages that where arranged by their families. This is happening in Yemen and a great number of other countries around the world according to UNICEF USA.

    So Why are these Young Girls Married off Young?
    1. Struggling parents

    2. Family convenience

    3. Family benefit(like selling their children).

    4. "Parents may think an early marriage will protect their daughters from random sexual assault(UNICEF,USA).

    5. "The parent's may see these marriages as a way to ensure their daughters won't become pregnant out of wedlock"(UNICEF, USA).

    These are all horrible excuses and these young girls have no rights. They are human beings just like you and me. Where is their Human Right: "Right to Marry and Family". In the past 100 years their human right to marry has not changed one bit. They have NO future. "For so many young girls, child marriage crushes their ability to create their own future"(UNICEF). They are left with so many obligations they don't know nothing about.

    These young girls (child brides) are not allowed to go to school, play with their friends, and instead they have to do chores among other things. "Girls married at a young age also face serious health risks from pregnancy and childbirth, a girl under age 16 is five times more likely to die in pregnancy or childbirth than a woman between 20-14"(UNICEF,USA). These two young girls in Yemen where just two lucky ones that got away. Their are millions that can't. UNICEF is working on putting an end to early marriages because it "robs girls of their childhood".


    Sunday, March 11, 2012

    Why are Child Brides a Global Concern?

    The Silence of Child Brides Must End....

    "Today, the devastating impact of child marriage continues to be ignored in the developing world. Millions of child brides, some only just past puberty, are denied access to health, education and economic opportunities. The majority of them are burdened with the roles and responsibilities of wives and mothers without adequate support, resources and capabilities" (Lyn Thomas, International Planned Parenthood Federation).
    This is a very important issue that is not talked about and is being ignored. These are children we are talking about and not grown women who know right from wrong. Imagine a mother giving up her baby or toddler to an older man. Would you? How would you feel if you never saw your baby again? They are being robbed of their human rights, childhood, freedom and future. According to Planned Parenthood International Federation, "Child marriage remains a widely ignored violation of the health and development of girls and young woman." Someone needs to put an end to "CHILD BRIDES" and give these girls a future and education. Look at the pictures above, theses are not brides these are girls.
    The highest rate of child marriages like Niger,Chad, Bangladesh (Pakistan), Mali, Guinea, Central Africa Republic, Nepal, Mozambique, Uganda, Burkina Faso and India.  These customs and religious laws are totally normal. But, to me and other people in the world this is sexual abuse and exploitation. Every child should have a choice and not be forced into marriage when they are still playing with dolls and dreaming about princesses and fairy tales."This is because of the "official tolerance of cultural, societal and customary norms that shape and govern the institution of marriage and family life"(Planned Parenthood).
    The Silence of Child Brides must End. Child brides are at increasing health risks for HIV infection and other multiple health risks. Child marriage is defined as, "Any marriage carried out below the age of 18 years old, before the girl is physically, physiologically, and psychologically ready to shoulder the responsibilities of marriage and child bearing"(Planned Parenthood International Federation). I Believe the one's held responsible for child marriages would be the "parents" because they marry their children "to build or strengthen alliances between families". The ones that suffer horrible consequences and even death if they try to run away are the children. If they are caught trying to leave it is considered dishonour. Please keep in mind child brides also include "BABIES". Yes, I said babies.
    But, in the United States......Their is a major difference especially in the past 100 years. In the USA you must be 18 years or older to for marriage and the Human Right states marriage should be "Entered only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses"(Planned Parenthood).
    The silence of child and baby brides needs to come to an end and these children need a voice because they can not stand up for themselves. We need to help them today not tomorrow because it may be too late. Please keep in mind every 3 seconds a child gets married...and not by their choice.

    International Marriage Statistics

     Arranged/Forced Marriage Statistics:

    Arranged Marriage StatisticsData
    Average divorce rate globally on arranged marriages4 %
    India divorce rate1.1 %
    Global divorce rate for arranged marriages6 %
    Average number of years older the male is from the female in an arrange marriage4.5 years
    Percent of marriages in India that are arranged90 %
    Percent of marriages in the world that are arranged55 %
    Percent of U.S. men between the age of 40 and 50 who have never been married14 %
    Percent of U.S. women between the age of 40 and 50 who have never been married10 %
    Percent of girls who were forced to marry before a certain age
    South Asia before age 1848 %
    Bangladesh before age 1527.3 %
    Africa before age 1842 %
    Niger before age 1526 %
    Kyrgyzstan before age 1821.2 %
    Kazakhstan before age 1814.4 %
    Tags: arranged marriage statistics ? number of arranged marriages ? divorce rate for arranged marriages

    Source: UNICEF, Human Rights Council
    Date:    February 16, 2012

    Take A Vow....

    Vow to End Early and Forced Marriages...

    Friday, March 9, 2012

    Did You Know Niger has the Higest Rate of Early Marriages?

    According to UNFPA "In eleven countries, more than 50% of women are married before the age of 18. 4 The countries with the highest rates of child marriage are as follows".
      1. Niger 76.6%
      2. Chad 71.5%
      3. Bangladesh 68.7%
      4. Mali 65.4
      5. Guinea 64.5%
      6. Central Africa Republic 57%
      7. Nepal 56.1%
      8. Mozambique 55.9%
      9. Uganda 54.1%
      10. Burkina Faso 51.9%
      11. India 50%

    The Country with the higest rate of child marriages: Niger 76.6%

    When I think about marriage

    "This 19 year old Afghan girl had her nose and ears cut off as punishment for fleeing an abusive forced marriage"( uncle jimbo,june 29, 2010).

    When I Think about marriage...... A global Horror.

    When I think if marriage I think of love, a white wedding dress, family, happiness, a future and I get butterflies in my stomach. But not every girl imagines the same things I do when they are forced and arranged to marry someone they know noting about, old and pedaphils. Around the world women and girls as young as 6 years old are being robbed of their choice of marriege and family. Parents are basically selling their daughters because they are a burden or they need the money. When I first researched this topic I was sure this was only an issue that happened like a 100 years ago. Forced, arranged and forbidden marriages is an issue that NO ONE talks about and 100 years later it is still happening.
    Every human should have access to their own right (UN Human Right Article 16, Right and choice to marriage and family).
    According to the website "10 million girls under the age of 18 marry each year...that is around 833,333 a month...192,307 a week...27,397 a day...19 every minute or, around 1 girl every 3 second".
    These numbers are sad and astonishing. These woman have no voice and no choice. They have been robed.
    Do you have a clue of how a child and a womans future will be like.No anbitions, no self estem, depressed, rapped, molested and even killed if they try to escape. Millions of women are not able to go to school and get an education. Early and forced marriages affect their education and future.